Comprehensive Solutions for STI Testing
STIs demand our attention
The 2021 CDC analysis shows us how common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are with its estimate of nearly 68 million existing and 26 million new STI infections, resulting in approximately 1 in 5 people having an STI on any given day.1,2 This case volume is further complicated by the fact that many STIs present similar symptoms but require different treatments. This diagnostic challenge poses a serious threat to women’s health: upper genital tract infections, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, cervical cancer, and chronic infection with hepatitis viruses and HIV are just a few of the long-term implications of an untreated or persistent STI.3

Better testing protects individuals and communities
- Along with increased risk of serious complications, asymptomatic STIs increase the potential for sustained transmission in the community. Screening is a crucial measure for public as well as individual health.4
- Because STI incidence is highest among adolescents and young adults, screening efforts focus on women between the age of 15-24 who identify as being sexually active.5
- The CDC recommends NAAT as the preferred method for accurate screening of patients.3,6
Hologic’s Offerings
Our broad array of highly sensitive NAATs lead the market in accurate detection of pathogens that are associated with STIs including chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma genitalium and herpes simplex virus.